Sunday, August 12, 2012

Xela is Limbo, My Life is Limbo

Thanks to S for the title :)  And for making me think, too :) 

Xela is limbo because there are a lot of foreigners that come here just for a time but don´t stay me!  But then how I thought that my adult life is limbo because all I ever do is move and change jobs. 

In a seemingly unrelatedly comment but actually not (you´ll see later), I love math.  Like I could genuinely do standard deviation if you gave me a bunch of numbers and some interesting context behind them (ok, fine, the context doesn´t even have to be that interesting...).  I like how orderly numbers make everything.  It´s probably why I like to make lists (though I don´t always complete them.  I think I just like to make them so as to feel that the chaos that surrounds us all is somehow neatly confined into some words on a screen or piece of paper which I just might lose).  But it would be kind of fun if we could quantify our life experiences in some manner.  This of course would be completely subjective because you could decide how many points each thing was depending on how much experiential, learning, or emotional impact you felt it had on you.  For example, a normal day or group of time where nothing momentous happened or a day or so you just kind of lived through, well that wouldn´t really generate much if any points at all, like .00435.  But if you moved to another city then that would be like 4 points.  If you moved to another country, then that would be like 11 points. China for me would be like 342132 points.  I feel like with this point system (and this is where my seemingly tangential love of math comment becomes pertinent), my adult life of limbo would seem less desultory and more like a coherent measure of value and worth seeing that it would be a somewhat high number.  But here I go again trying to find a way to claim success through quantification as a means of justification when I don´t really think success exists in the way its socially decreed.  I don´t really think success or failure exists at all.  Life exists in the absence of them.  We create them in our head.

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